Enrolling children 3 -5 years of age
Cnr Abbott and Douglas Street Wallsend
Contact Us or wcps@bigpond.com
8.15am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday
As early childhood educators , we take a planned and reflective approach to implementing the educational program and are guided by Belonging , Being, Becoming; The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia ( EYLF) .
The EYLF is a key component of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care and was developed by the Australian state and territory governments with input from the early childhood sector and early childhood academics.
The framework presents an image of the child as being an active participant and decision maker who constructs their own understandings whilst also contributing to others learning. The EYLF is a guide that consists of Principles, Practices and 5 main learning outcomes based on Identity, Community , Wellbeing, Learning and Communicating . It supports and enhances young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. The learning outcomes are broad and observable and acknowledge that children learning in a variety of ways. Your child’s learning is ongoing as they progress towards the outcomes in many different and equally meaningful ways . We work in partnership with families to extend and enrich children’s learning, provide opportunities for children to develop a foundation for lifelong learning with significant emphasis on building enriching relationships.
National Quality Standard
The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services in Australia. The NQS includes 7 quality areas that are important outcomes for children.
Wallsend Community Preschool has achieved an Overall Rating of EXCEEDING National Quality Standard.
Quality Area 1 Educational program and practice -Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 2 Children’s health and safety -Exceeding National Quality Standard 3
Quality Area 3 Physical environment- Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 4 Staffing arrangements -Meeting National Quality Standard
Quality Area 5 Relationships with children -Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities- Exceeding National Quality Standard
Quality Area 7 Leadership and service management- Exceeding National Quality Standard
Services are assessed and rated by their regulatory authority against the NQS and the Education and Care Services National Regulations and given a rating for each of the 7 quality areas and an overall rating based on these results. The assessment and rating process aims to drive continuous quality improvement for services and provide families with better information for making choices about their children’s education and care.
The overall rating for a service is determined by the combination of the ratings achieved in each Quality Area.
The ratings for every service across Australia are published on the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority ( ACECQA) website, providing families with comprehensive information so that you can make an informed decision about an early childhood service for your child.